+919637011233 [email protected]


Training at PSI Security Guard Services

Training at PSI Security Services is a cornerstone of our commitment to excellence and reliability in security services. We invest significantly in the development of our personnel to ensure they possess the skills and knowledge necessary to deliver superior security solutions. Our comprehensive training program encompasses:

  • Security Protocols and Procedures: In-depth understanding and implementation of standard operating procedures (SOPs) to maintain security and safety.
  • Risk Assessment and Management: Techniques to identify, assess, and mitigate potential security risks tailored to various environments and scenarios.
  • Patrol and Surveillance Techniques: Training in effective patrol strategies, surveillance methods, and monitoring technologies to enhance situational awareness and deterrence.
  • Emergency Response and Crisis Management: Preparation for swift and decisive action during emergencies, including evacuation procedures and coordination with emergency services.We maintain security and safety.
  • Communication Skills: Development of clear, concise, and professional communication abilities crucial for effective interaction with clients, colleagues, and the public.
  • Use of Security Equipment and Technology: Proficiency in operating and troubleshooting state-of-the-art security systems, including CCTV, access control, and alarm systems.
  • Ethics and Professional Conduct: Emphasis on ethical behavior, integrity, and adherence to legal standards to maintain trust and credibility.
  • Physical Fitness and Self-Defense: Physical conditioning and self-defense training to ensure readiness and capability to handle physical security challenges.
  • Customer Service and Relationship Management: Techniques for delivering high-quality customer service, fostering positive relationships, and addressing client concerns effectively. We maintain security and safety.


Utmost attention is given to the recruitment of our personnel in accordance with stringent parameters laid down as a group policy. This includes education, age, physical fitness and background. The recruitment department is responsible for police verification, background checks and service records of each employee.



Our All Guards are trained by Ex-Army man. All Guarding Personnel deployed by PSI Security undergo Security Training Course which imparts the necessary skills to perform their duties with great efficiency and productivity. The training process is ongoing and progressive throughout the employee’s career to refresh and further develop their knowledge. We have well equipped classroom with facility such as projector, training equipment and sitting capacity of 40+ persons. We also have ground for Perform all training Activity.

✅ Bomb threat
✅ Bonded items
✅ Bearing and turnout
✅ Dealing with people
✅ Communication skills
✅ Escort duties
✅ Emergency management
✅ Fire prevention and control (theory)
✅ Material control
✅ Fire prevention and control (practical)
✅ Gate house duties
✅ Guard alertness
✅ Physical training

✅ Soft skills
✅ Patrolling premises
✅ Legal obligation
✅ Investigation and report writing
✅ Note book entries
✅ Personnel control
✅ Principles of security
✅ Post and site instructions
✅ Observation skills
✅ Telephone handling
✅ Radio communication
✅ First aid